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Англо-русский политический словарь - era


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1) эра; эпоха

2) летоисчисление

to herald a new era — возвещать о начале новой эры

to initiate the era of — устанавливать эру (чего-л.)

to open a new era in smth — открывать новую эру в чем-л.

to usher in a new era — провозглашать начало новой эры, возвещать о начале новой эры

Elizabethan erahistorical eranew erapost-cold war erapost-World War II erapre-Gorbachev erasensitive eraa new era dawns on the countrya new era is dawning

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См. в других словарях

  сокр. от end relief angleзадний угол на вспомогательной режущей кромке ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun эра; эпоха Syn: see period ERA Equal Rights Amendment noun поправка о равных правах ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. эра, эпоха the Elizabethan era —- елизаветинская эпоха to bring in a new era —- открыть новую эру in this high-cost-of-living era —- в наш век дороговизны 2. летосчисление, эра in the year 570 of our era —- в 570 году нашей эры the Common E. —- наша эра in the Christian E. —- после рождества Христова, по христианскому летосчислению 3. геологическая эра 4. эпохальное событие, эра ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I "ЭРА" Товарный знак стиральной жидкости с биологически активными веществами. Выпускается компанией "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co.. В названии отражена борьба женских движений за равные права ("ЭРА" ERA - название поправки о равных правах женщин) II см. Equal Rights Amendment ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  фин. сокр. от exchange rate agreement ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. 1 a system of chronology reckoning from a noteworthy event (the Christian era). 2 a large distinct period of time, esp. regarded historically (the pre-Roman era). 3 a date at which an era begins. 4 Geol. a major division of time. Etymology: LL aera number expressed in figures (pl. of aes aeris money, treated as fem. sing.) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Late Latin a~, from Latin, counters, plural of aer-, aes copper, money — more at ore  Date: 1615  1.  a. a fixed point in time from which a series of years is reckoned  b. a memorable or important date or event; especially one that begins a new period in the history of a person or thing  2. a system of chronological notation computed from a given date as basis  3.  a. a period identified by some prominent figure or characteristic feature the ~ of the horse and buggy  b. a stage in development (as of a person or thing)  c. a large division of geologic time usually shorter than an eon Paleozoic ~  Synonyms: see period ERA  abbreviation  1. earned run average  2. Equal Rights Amendment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (eras) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. You can refer to a period of history or a long period of time as an era when you want to draw attention to a particular feature or quality that it has. ...the nuclear era... It was an era of austerity. = age N-COUNT: usu supp N, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n a long period of time in history that is different in some way from other periods  (In the Victorian era such behaviour was socially unacceptable.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Endometrial Resection And Ablation UN abbr. Elite Rebel Alliance polit. abbr. Equal Rights Amendment NASA abbr. Environmental Research Aircraft environ. abbr. Environmental Risk Assessment environ. abbr. Environmental Risk Analysis U.S. gov. abbr. Entering Restricted Area U.S. gov. abbr. Evaluation Report For Assessment mil. abbr. Explosive Reactive Armor mil. abbr. Extended Range Artillery mil. abbr. Exploitation Roles Always mil. abbr. Eddystone Remington Arsenal airport code Erigavo, Somalia univ. abbr. Ecodynamics Research Associates, University of Notre Dame electron. abbr. Electrically Reconfigurable Arrays funny abbr. Equal Rights Advocates gen. comp. abbr. Extended Registry Attribute network. abbr. Enterprise Ready Applications telec. abbr. Enhanced Remote Access educ. abbr. Experience Rich Anthropology educ. abbr. Education Reform Association educ. abbr. Explore Reflect Act sport abbr. Earned Run Average religion abbr. Eve Ruined Adam gen. bus. abbr. Excellence Refinement And Accountability int. bus. abbr. European Research Area pos. abbr. Executive Right Away st. exc. abbr. Exchange Rate Agreement firm name abbr. Ecodynamics Research Associates firm name abbr. Electronic Realty Associates firm name abbr. Eddystone Remington Arms firm name abbr. Energy Risk Associates account. abbr. Electronic Remittance Advice ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1615, from L.L. жra, era "an era or epoch from which time is reckoned," probably identical with L. жra "counters used for calculation," pl. of жs (gen. жris) "brass, money" (see ore). The word's use in chronology said to have begun in 5c. Spain; sense of "historical period" is 18c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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